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10 Fascintating Facts About Wasps

Family-Friendly Facts

Fascinating facts about wasps

While wasps aren’t everyone’s favorite insect, there are some pretty interesting things to learn about them. There are many things that set them apart from other stinging insects in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey. Read on to learn fascinating facts about wasps.

Fascinating Facts about Wasps

  1. Not all wasps live in colonies. Some are solitary, and that means they do not live a nest and instead live alone.
  2. There are many types of wasps. Over 100,000, in fact. That’s a lot of stinging pests around the world!
  3. They can sting again and again. Females, that is! Males don’t even have stingers. They have straight stingers so it doesn’t pull out after stinging, like what happens to bees.
  4. They communicate when in trouble. They release pheromones that tell other members of their colony they are in danger. Their friends come and support the cause.
  5. They have a short lifespan. They only live 10 to 22 days!
  6. Wasps aren’t all that bad. They play an important part in the ecosystem. Just like bees, they are pollinators and help plant growth. They are even aggressive predators, killing other insects that harm crops.
  7. Male wasps are called drones. They only have one job: mate with the queen. Once they fulfill this purpose, they die.
  8. Young wasps are carnivores. Parents feed them meat, like insect larvae.
  9. Most die in the winter. The only wasps who survive are young queens, which is why they are able to return in the spring.
  10. They live almost everywhere around the world. The only place you won’t find them is Antarctica.

Wasp Problem? Not with Green Pest Solutions.

We are among the few people who find wasps to be fascinating. There are so many nuances to these pests, that it’s safest to leave wasp removal to the professionals. Call us today at 855-312-7157 if you need help taking care of a wasp infestation.

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