6 Common Types of Corporate Pests

While most people associate pest invasions with the home (since that is where invasions are most upsetting), businesses also need to make sure that they are connected to a trustworthy and effective pest control service. Corporate pest control is important for both the safety of your employees/customers and the safety of your company’s property, which is why it’s important to keep an eye out for some of the most common pests that infect local businesses.

Commercial Kitchen
Invasive Corporate Pests
Pests do not differentiate between homes and corporations, so the same pests that can affect your home can affect businesses as well. That’s why businesses need to keep an eye out for:
- Bed Bugs – It may seem unlikely that a business with no beds would be infected with bed bugs, but it’s actually not that uncommon. Bed bugs live anywhere that people frequent, and since so many people go in and out of most businesses, there is a higher likelihood of bed bugs.
- Rats – Any place with food is at risk for rats, and because company properties are also much larger and often not well maintained, there are usually more entrance ways and places for rats to hide and live.
- Flies – Restaurants and eateries may also be prone to flies. While not many homeowners call pest control companies for flies, restaurants cannot afford to have fly problems, as they may affect business and possibly ruin some ingredients.
- Ants – Like rats, ants are willing to go anywhere with even a little bit of food, and while not every business is a restaurant, many have workrooms and places to eat that may be at serious risk for ant invasions.
- Termites – Termites are attracted to wood, and commercial businesses often work on properties with a significant amount of wood. A termite problem could cause significant damage to your property, and may affect your company valuation.
- Mosquitoes – This is cheating a little bit, as mosquitoes are not usually a problem with most businesses, but the point is that pests are a problem everywhere, and if you’re a business with, say, a lawn that is infested with mosquitoes, your ability to please your customers is contingent on mosquito elimination.
Corporate pest control is an important part of maintaining your business, and the above pests are only a small number of the types of issues that could affect your company property.
If you’re looking for a skilled commercial pest control company to help you with your business, contact Green Pest today. We work with numerous Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware businesses and are happy to provide a Free Commercial Pest Inspection and $50 off your first commercial pest treatment. Call today.