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Ant Spotlight: The Carpenter Ant

Get Rid of Ants in Apartments

The carpenter ant is just one of the many types of ants that infest Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey. They are, arguably, one of the most threatening to homeowners. Here’s what you need to know:

All About the Carpenter Ant

Appearance: They are a bigger variety of ants, measuring 1/4″ to 1/2″ long. They are black with long antennae.

Diet: Their diet includes moist, decayed wood. Yes, this means they might find this wood in the foundation of your home and cause damage.

Concerns: In addition to destroying small wood things in your home and lawn, like furniture, they can also eat the foundation of your home, causing structural damage.

Signs: You can suspect carpenter ants if you find piles of wood shavings and hear rustling noises in walls.

Send Ants Marching out the Door with Green Pest Solutions

Whether it’s pavement ants, carpenter ants, or any other kind of ant, Green Pest Solutions’ experienced technicians have the know-how necessary to identify and control your ant problem. Our Green Band Protection System will rid your home of ants as well as other pests and ensure that they will not return in the near future by also treating the outside perimeter of your home. Call us today at 855-312-7157 for more information.

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