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What Attracts Stink Bugs to Your Home?

And What to Do When You Find Them

What Attracts Stink Bugs to Your Home?

Are stink bugs causing a stink in your house? Learn what attracts stink bugs to your home so you can take measures to prevent an infestation.

What Attracts Stink Bugs to Your Home?

  • Safe shelter. During the colder months, stink bugs go into an inactive state. While they don’t go inside your home to stay warm and alert, they are looking for a safe place to rest.
  • Other stink bugs. Stink bugs emit a smell that alerts other stink bugs about the environment. If your home is deemed a safe place, stink bugs will leave a scent trail, inviting their friends inside.
  • Lights. Stink bugs are attracted to lights, so if you have exterior lights on and easy access points inside, they might make their way indoors.

Stink Bug Solutions

  • Soap and Water: Stink bugs cannot swim. If you place a big of dawn dish detergent in a bucket of water and flick the stink bugs inside, they’ll sink to the bottom. There you can let them drown.
  • Stinkbug Control Insecticide: If you have an infestation and not just a few visitors, you can find some insecticides at your local home improvement store that are marketed for getting rid of stink bugs.
  • Dog Poop Bags: Another risky strategy is to try capturing the stink bugs with dog bags. Place them over your hand and gently glide it over the stink bug. Once you have it, grab the stink bug with the bag, close it, and tie it as quickly as possible.
  • Trap Them in a Glass: One of the simplest ways is to try to trap them inside of some type of glass cup. Whenever you see one on a wall, grab a glass container and gently place it over the insect until it’s covered. Then slip some type of paper underneath to cover it, take the glass outside and let it free away from the property.
  • Call Green Pest Solutions. No need to deal with this stinky pest on your own. Green Pest Solutions offers stink bug inspection and extermination services. Call us today at 855-312-7157 to schedule a service in PA, NJ, or DE.
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