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When a Pest Control Company Is Required for Spider Invasion

Keep Spiders out of the Basement

For many home owners, there is nothing as frightening as a spider. Even though there are a lot of insects that carry diseases and cause more harm than spiders, spiders tend to be Spiders are a common home invader. But spiders are also solitary. In general, when you see a spider in your home, that spider probably came in alone.

How Many Spiders Live In Your Home at Once?

The truth is, you probably do have many spiders living in your home. But so does everyone else. Spiders live in most homes, as common house spiders that cannot/do not bite can live for a long time in secret locations around your house. Unless you are allergic or notice dozens of spiders entering your home at once, chances are the spiders around your home are not a significant problem. Spiders don’t invade very quickly. For every spider that you kill, there is one fewer spider.

And yet if you see a few spiders, you may still need a pest control company.

Why? Because the presence of spiders can often mean the presence of other pests, and wherever the spiders are entering from, so too can other pests enter. That is why it’s important to contact a pest control company, and in areas like Delaware, New Jersey, and our home base in Pennsylvania, the best place to call is Green Pest Solutions.

The Green Pest Protection System for Spiders

Green Pest Solutions uses an approach to pest management that is designed to prevent not only spiders, but all pests from entering the home. We don’t simply spray pesticides. We use a system that protects against harmful pests, seals off all entranceways, and leaves the pests that are good for the environment both alive and OUTSIDE of the home.

Known as the Green Band Protection System, this strategy of pest protection is very effective at keeping pests away. It is a great strategy for keeping spiders outside of your home, and it is effective against multiple known East Coast pests. Contact us today at 855-312-7157 to learn more about our pest control services for spiders – and all pests.

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